Electronic Data Reporting

Electronic Data Reporting (EDR) to meet the CEM compliance reporting requirements for many jurisdictions are often unique to a local area only, or can be unique to a specific industry or regulatory authority. EDR application solutions seamlessly integrate with our CEMView and CEMCoRe products. Nexus Solutions has developed a number of EDR solutions to meet the stringent compliance reporting requirements for many application areas including Alberta, California (South Coast and San Joaquin Valley), and Pennsylvania.

Please contact us to discuss your Electronic Data Reporting needs for CEM systems.

Alberta Environment

A CEMView CEMS EDR data reporting add-on module to meet the Alberta Environment requirement for Electronic Reporting of Continuous Emission Monitoring (CEM) Information for the Province of Alberta, Canada is available.  It has been tested and meets Alberta Environment guidelines for the mandatory electronic reporting of Continuous Emissions Monitoring data.

Alberta Environment (AENV) is providing Continuous Emission Monitoring (CEM) operators the ability to submit required monitoring information electronically thereby eliminating the need for a significant amount of paperwork, reducing administrative overhead, and facilitating timely reporting.

Please contact us to discuss your Electronic Data Reporting needs for Alberta Environment or for information on how to access one of our on-line demo systems to see CEMView with the integrated Alberta EDR module in action.

For additional details on the published specification, Electronic Reporting of Continuous Emission Monitoring (CEM) Information, please check our Web Links for a link to the AENV website.

AMD2 AMD3 AMD4, AMD5 and AMD8 XML schemas  are also available in our CEMView EDR module. The new CEMView XML schema will save considerable time in meeting this new requirement.
More information about Air Monitor Directive you can find on Alberta Environment and Parks (AEP) website.

If you are interested to add AMD reporting to your EDR module, please contact us.

South Coast Air Quality Management District (AQMD)

A CEMView CEMS EDR data reporting add-on module to meet the California South Coast Air Quality Management District (AQMD)Electronic Data Reporting requirements is available.

Please contact us to discuss your Electronic Data Reporting needs for the California South Coast Air Quality Management District or to request an on-line demo of our product.

San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District

A CEMView CEMS EDR data reporting add-on module to meet the California San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District Electronic Data Reporting requirements is available.

Please contact us to discuss your Electronic Data Reporting needs for the California San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District or to request an on-line demo of our product.

Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Air Quality

A CEMView CEMS EDR data reporting add-on module to meet the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Air Quality Electronic Data Reporting requirements is available.

The CEMS data reporting for the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PA DEP), Bureau of Air Quality (BAQ) include the following formats:

  • Hardcopy formats
  • Data telemetry
  • CEM Data Processing System – CEMDPS

CEMView EDR add-on modules are available to meet all of these requirements for Continuous Emissions Monitoring.

We have EDR Modules readily available for Chile, CEDRI (USA) and Vietnam 

Compliance Reports

CEMView contains a powerful compliance reporting engine to produce the regulatory compliance reports as well as other ancillary reports.   The CEMView reporting engine is extremely flexible and configurable.  Microsoft Excel template based report definition files allow the development or customization of a report to meet any site, local, regional, state or federal requirement.  Reports can be saved and printed in a variety of standard formats including XLS, HTML and TEXT. Enhanced CEMView Reports are also possible with the CEMView OLE-DB provider technology.

Using the CEMView OLE-DB provider, it is possible to design more complex reports with the many application options including using Microsoft Office and Microsoft Excel itself as the reporting module, extending the system to support a web-site and a web based reporting system, just mention a few alternatives or possibilities.

Your Electronic Data Reporting

Please contact us to discuss your Electronic Data Reporting needs for the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Air Quality or to request an on-line demo of our product